Easter eggs, Lent, Good Friday, hot cross buns… you may be surprised to know the origins of your favourite Easter tradition!
‘I Am Patrick’ – Discover The Inspiring Story of Faith Behind St Patrick’s Day
The docu-drama takes you on a journey to discover the incredible true story of Saint Patrick, the escaped-slave-turned missionary.
Mr Eternity’s Story Explored in ‘Written in Chalk: The Echo of Arthur Stace’
A new documentary revisits the story of Arthur Stace, the man behind the slogan, Eternity, immortalised in a Sydney New Year’s Eve fireworks.
Wrestling with History in an Age That Disregards it
As a society are we are losing our historical literacy, or our ability to engage in moral reasoning about history?
Why We Must Remember our Christian History
History is needed. Even our Christian history. It is needed in all its gore and glory. We learn from it, and we lean into the future secured by its weight.
New Podcast Tells Australia’s Food History, One Ingredient at a Time
A new series tells stories about Australian food through the Powerhouse collection – from First Nations cooking practices, to food trends today.
The Making of the Western Mind Goes Back to the Cross, Says Author
John Anderson joins author and historian Tom Holland in his London home to discuss Christianity’s role in shaping Western civilisation.
Australia’s Christian History Takes Centre Stage in New Book
Dr Paul Roe’s book ‘Tell Me Another: A Storyteller’s Search for Australia’s Lost Faith’ looks at the importance of sharing everyone’s stories.
The Story of Australia’s First Saint, Mary MacKillop, Children and The Poor
In a stiff, strict world where no excuses were tolerated, Mary MacKillop’s kindness was remarkable, and her life was one of service, love and humility.
The History of Holden – Henry James Holden
The Holden family made a significant contribution to the development of Australian manufacturing and to the shaping of the South Australian economy.