UKRAINE UPDATE: VOM Provides Aid As Needs Continue To Rise

Mar 16, 2022 | VoM

The number of refugees who have crossed the Polish border has reached 1.8 million. Altogether, over three million refugees have escaped to Eastern European countries and further into Europe. Besides that, according to the UN, there are 1.85 million internally displaced people inside Ukraine.

The UN’s High Commission for Refugees estimates that 12 million people inside Ukraine will need assistance. We work through Evangelical Churches and NGOs. We aim to provide financial support for unmet needs. In Poland, we are supporting churches and NGOs who are caring for the Ukrainian refugees.


Many of them work alongside the border with Ukraine. They provide shelter, food, transportation, and spiritual care. They also meet multiple pressing basic needs of the refugees, including washing their clothes. We have also sponsored the publishing of 5,000 copies of the Gospel of John in Ukrainian. They were all distributed in just two days. In Ukraine, we are providing food and medicine. We have also provided two generators for a children’s hospital. In Moldova, we are providing support for three Evangelical Churches that shelter refugees in their facilities and provide transportation from the border for many other refugees. The needs are mounting every day.

Source: VOM Poland

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