If you want to share your faith in Jesus, the first step is to understand that it needs to come from a place of relationship with Him.
Why Should You Share About Jesus?
Jesus said to his 12 friends, “Go tell everyone! Don’t keep this to yourself.” This call wasn’t meant just for them. It was for you too!
Move Conversations From Mundane to Meaningful
There are ways to make your conversations deeper, more interesting and more ‘salty’, in the best way, say Amy Isham and Craig Josling.
“Opportunities Are Everywhere” – Henry’s Story
“I can’t wait every morning to share the hope that God’s goodness brings,” says Henry. “The more I pursue God, the more I see opportunities.”
Life On Mission is About Three Simple Things
Your friends don’t need another world-changing evangelist, they need you—and talking to them about Jesus is easier than you might think.
Learn to Hear the Voice of God
Listening to the Holy Spirit can seem like a weird concept. How exactly does it work? How do I know if it is Him or just my own mind talking?
You’re Not One of Those Evangelicals Are You?
I’d just settled into the plane for the five hour flight back home across this great brown land called Australia, and I was tired.
The Big Fat Ugly Lie Most Christians Believe
Many Christian denominations have upheld standards of “perfection” that create a fundamental misunderstanding of the gospel message.
Here’s Why Jesus Doesn’t Need More Influencers
When “living your own truth” rules the day, it can be difficult to share faith. How can we make Jesus seem attractive without being pushy?
How to Know You’re Preaching the Gospel the Right Way
Preaching the Gospel is dangerous if you’re not preaching the Gospel the right way. Here’s a way to tell if you’re on the right track.