Young Indigenous man Corey Tutt is passionate about science, loves animals and founded Deadly Science to equip remote Indigenous schools across Australia.
Can Racism Be Stopped in the Schoolyard? A New Doco is About to Find Out
A new ABC documentary is observing a pilot program designed to change the conversation about race in a primary school.
“Whole-Of-Life” Approach Needed to Prevent Violence Against Women, Says Report
The ‘Primary Prevention of Sexual Violence and Harassment Against Women and Girls’ report was put together by La Trobe University researchers.
How Augmented Reality Is Becoming an Everyday Reality for Today’s Students
A reform to the national assessment program, NAPLAN, to include digital literacy in its testing indicates the increased use of technology in education.
Closing the Gap: Australia’s First Indigenous College Set for Sydney
A ground-breaking university college for Indigenous Australians in Sydney is closer to becoming a reality with completion set for 2025.
Deadly Science Helps Remote Kids Wonder About the World Around Them
Corey Tutt was named the NSW Young Australian of the Year, last year, recognising his work founding Deadly Science – inspiring Indigenous students.
“Our Mission to Save Children”: New Anti-Abuse Technology
A new tech start-up lead by former CEO of World Vision Australia promises to increase protection of all vulnerable people from malpractice and abuse.
Graduate Job Readiness
There seems to be an increasing disconnect between what students are being prepared for and what the workforce expects of graduates.
Why Experience Really Is the Best Teacher for Today’s Students
To convince a learner’s brain to persist with an objective, teachers need to be more mindful of helping students establish meaning.
Success at School: IQ vs Personality
Research shows that students who are conscientious and open to new experiences score a full grade higher than the average student.