Momentum is a free online mental health platform co-designed by young people, for young people to tackle the mental health crisis.

Momentum is a free online mental health platform co-designed by young people, for young people to tackle the mental health crisis.
Feeling end of year exhaustion, and looking to the uncertain future, can lead to the double Ds: Discouragement and Doubt. Ever felt this way?
After the festive fun of Christmas, Boxing Day can feel a bit blah. It makes me wonder what the first Boxing Day was like.
Feeling low does not always have to be ‘cured’ with something highly productive, writes pyschologist Monica Jacob.
The Avatar Effect: That phenomenon where, after watching Avatar, rather than relishing its cinematic escapism, viewers become depressed.
HER Centre will combine biological, psychological and environmental factors to better understand mental ill-health conditions in women.
Becoming a mum for the first time can be hard…But instead of fighting against the changes, Mirette wants mothers to talk about them – and embrace them.
Mental illness is tough, but through it I’ve matured, my faith has deepened, and I can empathise with others, writes Jessica Halim.
While social-distancing measures are designed to preserve our wellbeing, they can also erode the mental health of the older population.
Dealing with depression in our children is confronting. If you suspect your child might be depressed, here are some steps you can take.