How do we make sense of the changes AI is bringing? What principles can we use to think through what we adopt and how we adopt it?

How do we make sense of the changes AI is bringing? What principles can we use to think through what we adopt and how we adopt it?
As we step back and think about what’s going on with digital technology – including AI – there’s a few keys Christians need to consider.
Akos Balogh shares about the time he met Tim Keller – and what he loved most about his character and his teaching.
As we continue to develop and use artificial intelligence, we must consider the ethical implications of robotic systems making moral choices.
Christian author Brian Rosner’s caricature of the Lord’s Prayer, sums up our culture’s obsession with Authenticity.
The world came to a screeching halt when Queen Elizabeth died. And her funeral was probably the most watched event in human history thus far.
A suburban pastor organised a rally on religious freedom, then was invited to talk to the Shadow Attorney-General. Yet he doesn’t see himself as political.
Questions are being raised about the impact of the sexual revolution on girls and women… questions that resonate with the Bible’s view of sex.
Listen to the media, and you might conclude most Australians are hostile to Christianity. But the National Church Life Survey paints a different picture.
While many secular commentators are happy to see the church in decline, there may come a day when they’ll yearn for the days of Christianity’s influence.