Since the death of one of her daughters, grandmother Gate has lived with her 15-year-old granddaughter, Noi, while another of Gate’s daughters and her husband have supported them with food and necessities. On 15 May last year, an evangelist visited Gate and Noi in their home, and both put their trust in Christ. When Gate’s daughter and son-in-law learned of their conversions, they scolded Gate and told her to renounce her faith.
Gate said she couldn’t renounce, because she finally knew the true God. Eventually, Gate’s daughter and son-in-law stopped giving her food and told her to take care of herself.
Because Gate is elderly and ill, she is unable to work. Noi, 15, now works to care for the two of them.
Source: iCommitToPray
Please Pray
Pray for provision and protection for Gate and Noi, and that Noi will not be burdened by her work.
Pray for healing over Gate’s ailments.
Pray that through her witness, Gate’s daughter and son-in-law will know the true God for themselves.